Press Release

13,750 m2 of land fraudulently appropriated by counterfeit documents in Himara, Vlora Prosecution Office confiscates the property worth 2.7 million euros, security measure for both brother and sister

The prosecution office at Vlora Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction decided upon confiscation of 13,750 m2 of land valued at 2,750,000 euros, in the village of Gjilek within Himara Municipality. This comes out after the investigations which proved that this land was registered at Vlora State Cadastre Agency (ASHK) by using forged documents.

Upon the conclusion of the investigations regarding the criminal case no. 1051 of 2021, at the the prosecution request, for the citizen E.M.  it was decided the security measure "Remand on custody” as provided for in article 238 of the Criminal Code, and  for the citizen L.M , the security measure "House arrest" as provided for in article 237 of the Criminal Code has been decided.

Through the administered acts during the investigation, it was proven that these citizens met the criteria of the criminal offense "Falsification of documents", committed more than once and in complicity, as well as "Falsification Forgery of seals, stamps and forms", committed more than once and in complicity and " Laundering the Proceeds of Criminal Offence or Criminal Activity", committed in complicity as provided for in Articles 186/2, 190/2 and 287, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.

The citizen L.M., so as to register the property has initiated an administrative judicial process at Vlora Court of First Administrative Instance, where she requested the registration of the entire area according to property document AMTP no. 9859. The citizens E.M. and L.M. have used in the administrative trial, forged documents, Form no. 6 and AMTP.
Dokumentet e falsifikuara u përdorën në disa institucione nga ana e personave nën hetim, si; Këshillin e Qarkut Vlorë; Bashkinë Himarë; në procesin gjyqësor të zhvilluar pranë Gjykatës Administrative të Shkallës së Parë Vlorë si dhe më pas pranë ish-ZVRPP Vlorë (sot ASHK). 
The individiuals under investigation have used the counterfeit documents in various institutions, such as; Vlora District Council; Himara Municipality; in the judicial process developed at Vlora Administrative Court of First Instance and subsequent at the former ZVRPP Vlora (today ASHK).
ga hetimi u provua se, mbi pronën pas regjistrimit janë kryer veprime, ndarje, transaksione/shitje të shumta, duke kaluar pjesën më të madhe nga sipërfaqja totale 13.750m2, tek persona të tretë. Në kohën e kryerjes së veprimeve të mësipërme, shtetasi E.M. ka qënë në detyrën e topografit të Bashkisë Himarë. 

Out of the investigation, it was proven that regarding the property, after the process of registration, numerous actions, divisions, transactions/sales were carried out, for transferring ng most of the total area of 13,750m2 to the third parties. The citizen  E.M. has been exercizing the duty of the topographer of Himara Municipality, at the time when the above actions were committed.
A part of this property remained joint ownership of E.M. citizens and L.M., whereas from the total area of 13,750 m2, an area of 7050 m2 is sold.