Press Release

Corruption in the Methadone Distribution Center "Aksion Plus Durrës", the Prosecutor's Office of Durrës takes the two defendants to trial, the charges

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the Durrës General Jurisdiction at the end of the investigation of the criminal proceeding, inititated on 19.07.2023, takes the criminal case to court with the defendants:

M.L. living in Marinë, Durrës, investigated at large. Accused of the criminal offense "Passive corruption of persons exercising public functions", provided by article 259/1 of the Criminal Code; AND

Xh.Z., resident of Durrës, investigated at large. Accused of the criminal offense of "Exercising illegal influence on persons exercising public functions", provided by article 245/1 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code.

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the Durrës General Jurisdiction has registered the criminal proceedings on the basis of the documents sent by the Durrës Local Police Directorate, where it is referred to, among other things, that on 12.07.2023, the judicial police officers became aware that in the investigative show "Fiks Fare", on the public television "Top Channel", a video-audio was published where a case of corruption is denounced in the Methadone Distribution Center "Aksion Plus Durrës".

From the investigation, elements of the criminal offense of "Passive corruption of persons exercising public functions" provided by article 259/1 of the Criminal Code have been proven, since the defendant M.L., in the capacity of nurse at the Methadone Distribution Center "Aksion Plus" Durrës" with its criminal actions, has violated the legal relations established to ensure the regular activity of public bodies charged with the service and treatment of people with narcotic addictions, who are treated with "methadone", protected by criminal legislation.

The defendant M.L., working as a nurse at the "Aksion Plus Durrës" Methadone Distribution Center, directly received an irregular material benefit in the amount of 3,000 ALL, for herself or for other persons, to perform an action related to her duty as a nurse dealing with the distribution of Methadone to drug users, mainly heroin.
Meanwhile, the defendant Xh.Z. was proven to have committed the criminal offense of "Exercising illegal influence on persons exercising public functions", provided by articles 245/1 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code, as with his criminal actions has violated the legal relationships established to ensure the normal functioning of public bodies ("Aksion Plus Durrës" Center, etc.) as well as the authority and integrity of employees who exercise public functions, such relationships that are protected by criminal legislation.
The defendant Xh.Z committed the crime by seeking or directly accepting irregular benefits for others, promising or ensuring the ability to exert illegal influence on the performance of duties by persons exercising a public function, specifically with the aim of to intervene with the nurse M.L., who deals with the distribution of Methadone to users of narcotic substances, mainly heroin, asking her to give methadone to people who are not supposed to take it, in violation of the law.