Press Release

Criminal involvement suspicions; Fier Prosecution Office seizes the bar, restaurant, and hotel of A.Gj. under 'Money Laundering'. investigation 

Fier Prosecution Office demand the seizure of assets belonging to A.Gj. under 'Laundering the proceeds of the criminal offence or criminal activity' offense as stipulated by Article 287 of the Criminal Code."
Based on Law No. 10192, dated 03.12.2009 'On the prevention and striking of the organized crime, trafficking, corruption, and other crimes through preventive measures against property,' as amended, this prosecution has initiated asset investigation No. 2/2024, referencing the materials from asset proceeding No.1, dated 2023, conducted by the former Lushnje Prosecution Office . This pertains to assets registered under the name of citizen N.Gj, which are indirectly owned by citizen A.Gj., for the criminal offense of 'Money Laundering' as provided for in Article 287 of the Criminal  Code, against A.Gj., suspected of criminal activity involvement.

In the process of the criminal investigation, the prosecution has meticulously examined the economic and legal activities of the persons under investigation to determine if their wealth acquisition had legitimate origins. Subsequent to these examinations and expert accounting assessments, it was revealed that neither the suspects nor their relatives possessed legitimate means for their wealth buil-up.

Consequently, pursuant to Law No. 10192, dated 03.12.2009, 'On the prevention and striking of the organized crime, trafficking, corruption, and other crimes through preventive measures against property,' as amended, a preventive measure of asset seizure has been sought. This measure entails the seizure of property No. 1549/68 ND in Cadaster Zone No. 1492:

 “a Bar-Restaurant-Hotel building with 3 floors + attic', spanning 363 m2 in area.
The aforesaid property is under the names of A.Gj and N.Gj at the Lushnja Real Estate Registration Office, there are suspicions of indirect ownership by citizen A.Gj. Fier District Court has decided on the approval of the prosecution's request.

Fier Prosecution Office reaffirms its commitment to pursuing investigations into organized crimes linked to illicit enrichment, through the effective enforcement of measures for their seizure and confiscation."