Press Release

Elbasan Prosecution Office Confiscates the Assets of the Citizen L.C. Convicted in the United Kingdom concerning his activity in 'Cannabis grow House'

The Prosecution Office at Elbasan Court of First Instance has sought the imposition of precautionary seizure measures on the assets belonging to the citizen L.C. and individuals affiliated to him. These assets, deemed unjustified during investigations, are under suspicion of being associated with criminal activities.
The Prosecution Office at Elbasan Court of First Instance, within the framework of criminal proceedings No. 713, of the year 2023, for the criminal offense " Laundering the Proceeds of Criminal Offence or Criminal Activity " as provided for in Article 287 of the Criminal Code, against the citizen L.C., has sought the imposition of precautionary seizure measures on the following real estate:
1.    Property under No.26/198-G.5, of the type "Garage," cadastral zone 8525, Elbasan;
2.    Property with No.26/198-G.6, of the type "Garage," cadastral zone 8525, Elbasan; and
3.    Property with No.26/198+1-26, of the type "Apartment," cadastral zone 8525, Elbasan.
The investigations have revealed that:
  The person under investigation has been implicated in the illicit operation of a cannabis grow house in the United Kingdom, leading to his arrest and subsequent conviction by the English authorities.
  The individual under investigation, along with those affiliated to him, have invested in acquiring real estates that are suspected to be linked to the illicit activities of the citizen L.C., both during and after the criminal conduct.
 The identified assets appear clearly unjustifiable, when compared to the legal incomes of the persons related to the individual L.C., who is under investigation.
Elbasan Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction, with decision No. 821 dated November 22, 2023, has decided to accept the prosecutor's request and impose the property precautionary measure of preventive seizure on the aforementioned real estate.