Press Release

Elbasan Prosecution Office Seeks Security Measures Against Five Police Employees Involved in Illicit Activities for Financial Gain

Elbasan Prosecution Office has sought security measures against five state police employees. They face charges of 'Abuse of Office', 'Passive Corruption of Persons that Exercise Public Functions', and 'Computer Falsification', as stipulated in articles 248 and 259 para. 1, and 186/a of the Criminal Code. This criminal proceeding was filed following the information submitted by the Police Oversight Agency at Elbasan-Korçë Regional Directorate.
Following the completion of investigative procedures under criminal case No. 377/2024, Elbasan Prosecution Office has sought the security measures against the individuals under investigation: E.H, A.T, Xh.S, E.K, and N.Xh. These individuals, employed in the Interurban and Urban Traffic Section of the Elbasan Local Police Directorate, are suspected of being involved in activities contrary to the law. Specifically, they are implicated in administrative misconduct related to traffic violations committed by various individuals. Furthermore, it is alleged that some of these illegal activities were undertaken in exchange for corrupt monetary gain.

The court accepted the prosecution’s request and has imposed the following security measures on the police employees:

•    “House arrest” against E.H., suspected of committing the criminal offenses of "Passive Corruption of Persons that Exercise Public Functions", "Abuse of Office", and "Computer Falsification", as stipulated in articles 259/1, 248, and 186/a of the Criminal Code.
•    “House arrest” against A.T., suspected of committing the criminal offenses of "Passive Corruption of Persons that Exercise Public Functions", "Abuse of Office", and "Computer Falsification", as stipulated in articles 259/1, 248, and 186/a of the Criminal Code.
•    “House arrest” against Xh.S., suspected of committing the criminal offenses of "Passive Corruption of Persons that Exercise Public Functions", "Abuse of Office", and "Computer Falsification", as stipulated in articles 259/1, 248, and 186/a of the Criminal Code.
•    “Suspension from carrying out public duties or services” against E.K., suspected of committing the criminal offense of "Abuse of Office", as defined in Article 248 of the Criminal Code.
•    “Suspension from carrying out public duties or services” against N.Xh., suspected of committing the criminal offense of "Abuse of Office", as defined in Article 248 of the Criminal Code.

Elbasan Prosecution Office is actively pursuing investigations regarding this case so as to uncover the involvement of other individuals in such an unlawful activity. This prosecution is steady in its commitment to combatting criminal actions involving the misuse of authority by public officials.