Press Release

Fier Prosecution Office seizes six other properties belonging to S.T. and his family members; He is suspected for the production and trafficking of narcotics

Fier Prosecution Office has seized six other alleged properties owned by S.T. and his family members,  he  is suspected for the production and trafficking of narcotics. 

Fier Prosecution Office, based on Law 10192, dated 03/122009 “On Prevention and Striking at Organized crime, Trafficking and Corruption through preventive measures against Assets” as amended, has filed the asset investigation case no.1, of the year 2024, and is currently investigating into properties linked to S.T. and his relatives A.T., F.T., M.T., E.T., V.T., and K.T. Sufficient evidence confirm that these properties are indirectly owned by S.T.

These assets are suspected to derive from the criminal activities of S.T. committing the offenses as stipulated in articles 283 and 283/a of the Criminal Code.

Fier District Court, following the investigation of this case, and upon prosecutor's request, has imposed through decision no. 1918, dated 21.05.2024, a preventive measure of asset seizure extending to additional 6 (six) properties under the names of A.T. and V.T., as detailed below:
•  Property no. 1/527, "a plot of land", Cadastre Zone 8572, volume 25, page 96, located in "Loni Dhamo" neighborhood, Lushnje; 
•  Property no. 104/44, “a plot of land” of 15,323 m2, Cadastre Zone 3268, volume 2, page 182, located in Savër, Lushnje;
•  Property no. 857/28, "a plot of land", Cadastre Zone 2087, volume 8, page 193, located in Karbunarë e Poshtme, Lushnje;
•  Property no. 151/2+1-10, Apartament, with an area of 128 m2, Cadastre Zone 3266, located in Sauk, Tirana.  
•  Property no. 102/22-16, Apartment, with an area of 96.17 m2, Cadastre Zone 3266, located in Sauk, Tirana, and
•  Property no. 104/81+2-21, Apartment, with an area of 105.57 m2,  Cadastre Zone 3266, located in Sauk, Tirana, 
The prosecutor, in compliance with the judicial decision and Article 14 et seq. of the Law no. 10192, dated 03.12.2009, "On Prevention and Striking at Organized crime, Trafficking and Corruption through preventive measures against Assets," as amended, has issued an execution order, that has been promptly submitted to the judicial police services of Fier Local Police Directorate, the Agency for Administration of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets under the Ministry of Finance in Tirana, and  Regional Directorate of State Cadastre Agency for execution.