Press Release

Following killing of a state police officer, Fier Prosecution Office initiates criminal proceedings for 'Murder of the state police officers' and 'Illegal possession of firearms”.

On May 13, 2024, Fier Prosecution Office, responding to evidence provided by Fier Local Police Directorate, filed the criminal case No. 689 of 2024 concerning criminal offences of "Murder of the state police officers" and "Illegal manufacture and possession offirearms, explosives and ammunition" as stipulated in Article 79/b and Article 278 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.
This criminal case is registered for the incident occurring on May 13, 2024, around 13:30, in the village of Baltëz, Administrative Unit of Dërmenas, Municipality of Fier, where state police officer N.C. lost his life to gunfire.
Under the guidance of the standby-duty prosecutor at the crime scene, the judicial police have conducted thorough procedural steps such as examining the crime scene, collecting physical evidence, reviewing video footage, interrogating several individuals, and conducting other investigative measures pertinent to the case. As a result, the suspected perpetrator, citizen A.M., born on June 15, 2001, and a resident of Sulaj, Administrative Unit of Dërmenas, Municipality of Fier, has been identified.
Aiming to hold the suspected perpetrator accountable, the State Police structures are pursuing uninterrupted and intensive efforts to locate the suspected perpetrator.
Simultaneously, under the guidance of the case prosecutor, the judicial police are undertaking procedural actions aimed at thoroughly elucidating the dynamics of the incident.