Press Release

Illegal constructions were allowed in Ksamil, Saranda Prosecution Office seeks the arrest of 4 former employees of LITP and 2 of NITP

The prosecution office at Saranda Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction sought the arrest of four former employees of the Local Inspectorate of Territory Protection (LITP) and two employees of NITP (responsible for Saranda Municipality territory), on suspicion of the criminal offense "Abuse of office" as provided for in Article 248 of the Criminal Code.

This prosecution office has registered ex-officio and has conducted investigative actions regarding the criminal case no. 240 of 2023, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office ".
Up to this stage of the proceedings, it is administered sufficient evidence concerning the illegal actions of the employees of the LITP Saranda municipality and NITP Tirana (responsible for Saranda municipality) V.XH., B.K., A.M., E.Z., as well as E.Ç., and D.B. who through their inaction have facilitated the proliferation of illegal constructions in Ksamil area and within the territorial jurisdiction of Saranda Municipality during the first five months, January-May of 2023, coinciding with the pre-election period.

During this timeframe, the individuals under investigation have not submitted any criminal report to the prosecution office, while in the meantime the Police Station has referred 49 cases of illegal constructions in the area of Ksamil and Saranda.
Consequently, as a result of this proceeding,16 properties (objects) designated for both residential and business purposes have been seized.

The Prosecution Office at Saranda Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction assures the public that the phenomenon of illegal constructions will face strict and unyielding  penalties in accordance with the legal provisions in force.