Press Release

Korça Prosecution concludes its investigation into the killing of a son, disguised as an accident, and takes the parents to court

Korça Prosecution Office concluded its investigation and took to the court citizen Sh.B. accused of the criminal offense of "Murder because of family relations", as well as citizen H.B. accused of   "False declarations before the judicial police officer" as stipulated in Article 305 of the Criminal Code.

Based on the entire evidence gathered during the investigation of the criminal proceeding under number 126/2023, it has been proven that on February 17, 2023, around 4:00 PM, a report was taken indicating that Mr. H.B. had been transported by ambulance to the Emergency Department of Korça Regional Hospital, for medical assistance because of head injuries. Shortly thereafter, this citizen has passed away in the hospital's intensive care unit. According to initial statements from family members, he had fallen and struck his head in the backyard of the dwelling while being drunk.

However, further investigation revealed that what was initially deemed an accident was, in fact, a criminal act. At 2:00 AM on February 18, 2023, the victim's father, Sh.B., was apprehended in flagrante delicto as a suspect for the offense of "Murder because of family relations" as provided for in Article 79/c of the Criminal Code, who then confessed to the crime. 
The victim's mother, H.B., stated that her son had returned from France following a divorce and had been consuming excessive alcohol since then. She stated that she was with her husband at home when they heard a noise from the courtyard door. They went out and found Hamdi, who was bleeding from the head, and brought him inside. However, this statement did not prove to be truthful.
Furthermore, a comprehensive review of all investigative measures and documentation in the criminal proceedings established that Sh.B. had indeed perpetrated the crime outlined in Article 79/c of the Penal Code. He deliberately and with full intent struck his son in the head multiple times, using a hammer and pieces of firewood as weapons. Subsequently, he attempted to portray the incident as self-inflicted harm by the victim to cover up his actions, asserting that his actions were intentional to bring about the desired outcome of his son's demise.
Regarding the aforesaid, from the entirety of investigative actions conducted and the administered acts concerning the criminal file, it has been proven that the citizen Sh. B. has perpetrated the criminal offense as provided for in article 79/c of the Criminal Code, as Through deliberate and unlawful acts, he tragically ended the life of his son, citizen H.B.

In this given case, the perpetrator he perpetrator intentionally and with full intent, as well as with the aim to kill, struck his son in the head many times. He took and used a hammer made of stones and wood as the weapon of the crime, and after giving the fatal hits to his son, attempted to conceal the crime as self-inflicted injury of the victim, supporting the idea that his actions towards killing his son were voluntary and deliberate to bring about the desired outcome, the loss of his son's life.
As per above, based on the provisions of Article 331 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Korça Prosecution Office demanded:

Sending for trial of the criminal case No. 126/2023 against the accused citizen Sh. B. for the commitment of the criminal offense of "Murder beacuse of family relations," as stipulated in Article 79/c of the Criminal Code, and against the accused citizen H.B., for the criminal offense of "False declarations before the judicial police officer," as stipulated in Article 305/b of the Criminal Code.