Press Release

Lezhë Prosecution Office confiscates 9 (nine) assets belonging to the convicted by English authorities for the criminal offense "Production and sale of narcotics"

The Prosecution Office at Lezha Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction  confiscated the assets of the citizen Gj.K., under investigation for the criminal offense of "Laundering the proceeds of criminal offense or criminal activity" as provided for in Article 287 of the Criminal Code.
On 26.04.2021, this prosecution office registered the criminal case no. 308 of 2021 and upon conclusion of the investigations decided the preventive confiscation for the assets belonging to the citizen Gj.K. and his family members, assets which are suspected to have been gained by criminal activity.

The citizen Gj. K. is convicted by the English justice authorities for the criminal offense "Production and sale of narcotics" as provided for in article 283 of the Criminal Code and the below mentioned assets are estimated to have a value of 500,000 euros
- Property in Lezha cadastral area with no. 2180, encompassing an area of 400 m2 and registered in the name of the citizen Z.K. (Land area);

- Property in Lezha cadastral area with no. 1987, encompassing an of 80 m2, registered in the name of the citizen Z.K. (Apartment);

- Property in Lezha cadastral area with re.1986, Lezhë encompassing an area of 94.2 m2, registered in the name of citizen P. K. (Apartment);

- Property in Lezha cadastral area with no. 2569, encompassing  an area of 53.29 m2, registered in the name of the citizen Gj.K. (Apartment);

- Property in Lezha cadastral area with no. 1986, encompassing an area of 66.64 m2, registered in the name of the citizen Gj.K. (Apartment);

-The property in Lezha cadastral area with no. 1587, encompassing an area of 48 m2, registered in the name of the citizen Gj.K. (Apartment);

- Property in Vlora cadastral area with no. 8602, encompassing an area of 72 m2, registered in the name of the citizen Gj.K.;

- The property in Tirana cadastral area with no. 8220, Tirana, encompassing an area of 106.3 m2, registered in the name of citizens GJ.K. and P.R. (Apartment)

- Mercedes Benz vehicle, type ML, owned by the citizen of Z.K