Press Release

Lushnje Prosecutor’s Office has completed the investigations and sends for trial the four offenders for the criminal offenses of the production and sale of narcotics

The prosecutor’s office at Lushnje District Court has completed the investigations of the criminal case no.77, year 2023 and has sent for trial the four offenders  K.M., V.Q., M.P. and M.M. who are accused for the following criminal offences:

The offender K.M. is accused for committing the criminal offenses "Production and sale of narcotics", in complicity and  "Disobeying orders of the public order police employee", provided in articles 283, par.2 and 242 of the Criminal Code, where the security measure "Remand in custody" is referred. 
The offender V.Q. is accused for committing the criminal offense "Production and sale of narcotics", in complicity, provided in article 283 of par. 2 of the Criminal Code, where the security measure "Remand in custody" is referred. 
The offender M.P. is accused for committing the criminal offense "Production and sale of narcotics", in cooperation, provided for by Article 283, par. 2 of the Criminal Code, where the security measure "Remand in custody" is referred. 
The offender M.M. is accused for committing the criminal offense "Obstruction of Justice", provided in Article 301 of the Criminal Code.

The prosecution used special investigation methods referring controls of places and people, the arrestment in flagrante delicto of the offenders V.Q. of M.P., as well as the seizure of a quantity of narcotics of the type "cocaine" and "cannabis sativa" as material evidence. Concretely, the offenders K.M., M.P. and V.Q., have committed the criminal offense of  “Production and sale of narcotics", in complicity. During the investigations, there are proved and fully documented two episodes of the sale and purchase of narcotics.

In one of the episodes, the offender V.Q. has played the role of the mediator to the other offender K.M.  regarding the sale of a quantity of narcotic substance "cannabis sativa" weighing 0.690 kilograms, whereas in the other episode the offender V.Q. has played the role of a mediator to the offender M.P. for the sale of the narcotic substance "cannabis sativa" weighing 450 grams. 
The judicial police caught and seized this quantity of narcotic substance, at the moment when its delivery had to be accomplished
Furthermore, after the controls and surveillance of the places of the defendant K.M. it was found hidden another quantity of narcotic substances "cannabis sativa" and "cocaine", whereas from the personal control and that of the dwelling of the offender V.Q., it was found another amount of the narcotic substance “cannabis sativa", which then was seized and administered as material evidence.
Regarding the offender M.M., it has been proven that at the time when she has taken information about the actions of the judicial police services against the defendant K.M., she has moved and hidden the narcotics that were illegally kept in the offender’s dwelling  with the intent of increasing the difficulty on preventing the discovery of the criminal offence.