Press Release

The IMT employee was arrested for taking a bribe for an unauthorized construction

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of Berat General Jurisdiction within the framework of criminal proceedings with no. 339 of 2024, in cooperation with the Economic Crime Officers at the Berat Local Police Directorate, has arrested in flagrante delicto the citizen P.K. with the duty of inspector in Berat Territory Protection Inspectorate.

 His arrest was made for the criminal offenses of "Abuse of duty" provided for by Article 248 of the Criminal Code and "Passive corruption of persons exercising public functions" provided for by Article 259 of the Criminal Code, as he illegally benefited an amount of 20,000 ALL from the complainant, citizen Th.Gj. against avoiding the administrative fine for a suspected unauthorized construction that the complainant was carrying out.

Thanks to the cooperation of the complainant and the use of simulation actions, the event was documented and the amount of money was seized as material evidence.

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction, Berat finds the opportunity to encourage all citizens to denounce corrupt practices and expresses its steadfast will in the fight against corruption.