Press Release

Press release

Taking into consideration the high interest of media and the public referring the event of 01 March 2023 as well as the citizen D.H, the Prosecutor's Office at Tirana District Court informs that:
The criminal proceeding no. 4719 has been registered in the Prosecutor's Office at Tirana District Court against the citizen D.H., who has been under investigation for the criminal offense of "Domestic Violence" provided by Article 130/a of the Criminal Code.
Regarding the proceedings’ acts, it comes out that:
The citizen A.H., on 16.06.2022., has informed the police that she was feeling threatened because of the presence of the citizen D.H., in her apartment.
The citizen K.H. was also inquired about the incident, who stated that her daughter was maltreated. She has stated that she had talked with her husband and that they didn’t want to have problems with the family members of the citizen D.H., and that they wanted their daughter to withdraw the complaint and that the state would not interfere. When she was inquired by the Judicial Police, in case her daughter was threatened by the citizen D.H., in her apartment, she had refused to respond. Regarding this case, a request for the protection order of the citizen E.A was filled in.  
Out of the verifications for the citizen D.H., it results that in 2007 he has killed his wife and has been sentenced to 25 years imprisonment (committed 13) for the criminal offense "Homicide because of family relations ", provided by article 79/c of the Criminal Code and also based on Article 251/2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the in flagrante arrest for this citizen was decided.
The prosecutor of the case, Robert Kote requested the transfer to court of criminal proceedings no. 4719 of 2022 for the perpetrator citizen D.H., accused of the criminal offense of 'Domestic Violence' provided by Article 130/a, first paragraph of the Criminal Code and requested his sentence of 1 (one) year and 6 (six) months jail. Since it was developed an abbreviated trial, the article 406 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was requested to be applied to this sentence, reducing it to 1/3.