Press Release

Prosecution Office for Serious Crime is investigating the explosive blasts in Tirana

Prosecution Office for Serious Crimes, in collaboration with the State Police has launched investigations into criminal offenses "acts with terrorist purposes", provided by Article 230 of the Criminal Code, after two explosions and an attempt with explosive blasts, which occurred in some areas of Tirana, early on Tuesday dated on 02.10.2015.

From preliminary data results that, in 02.10.2015 at 2:50 am, there was an explosive blasts in a commercial environment, owned by the citizens B.T, located in st. " Kongresi i Manastirit".
Around 3:50 am, has exploded a quantity of explosive materials at the vestibule of the fifth floor of a building in st. "Arben Minga" and there are damaged the apartments of the citizen A.N, the official of the State Police, and citizen E.F.

Also, at 6:15 am, by the State Police forces, at a bus stop on st. "Muhammad Gjollesha" in Tirana, was discovered a quantity of explosive materials, ready to explode. After the determination of the explosive material, the State Police officers carried out the controlled explosion.

These three events currently are being investigated together, under the guidance of the same investigative group of the Prosecutor Office for Serious Crimes. In the context of this investigation, there are carried out all the necessary procedural actions.

Data 10.02.2015