Press Release
Prosecutor General congratulates the new Magistrates 2015
Prosecutor General, Mr. Adriatik Llalla, considers as qualitative part of the judicial system the magistrates graduated at the School of Magistrates.
he graduation ceremony of the future judges, held on Monday (dt.05.10.2015), Mr. Llalla recalled that “Albania is facing a significant challenge, the fight against corruption and organized crime. Magistrate prosecutors are precisely those who are administering investigations into the main priorities of the Prosecution Office, but also of the Albanian State in general”.
During his speech at the graduation ceremony of the magistrates, the Prosecutor General said:
“Graduation of new magistrates is a very important moment for the judicial system and Albanian society in general.
It is clear that the feeds of the School of Magistrates constitute on a quality product in the ranks of judges and prosecutors and we are confident that this will continue in the future. In the system of the Albanian Prosecution Office, magistrates gradually have taken the leading positions in the key structures of the institution. Academic training at the School of Magistrates, combined with the professional practice has contributed that the magistrates already form the core of the investigation developments.
Albania is facing the challenge of fighting against corruption and organized crime. Magistrate prosecutors are precisely those who are administering investigations into the main priorities of the Prosecutor, but also of the Albanian state in general. We encourage higher professional training at the School of Magistrate, because we believe that through academic training in these classes, Albania will be able to further strengthen democracy and respect human rights. This graduation ceremony at first belongs to the new magistrates, who I wish good luck in their important task.
Also, a special wish is for the new candidates, who begin the new academic year. For all new students of the School of Magistrates, this is already an important step in their personal life, as well as the Albanian justice.
Our country is in the reforming process of the justice system and the base for further qualitative growth will be the magistrates. It should be considered by magistrates and new candidates that the justice system needs You”.