Press Release

Security measure "prison custody" for the Major and Director for Territory Planning in the Municipality of Vlora

The court accepted the request of the Prosecution Office of Vlora District and gave the security measure “prison custody” for the citizen Shpetim Gjika, the Mayor of the Municipality of Vlora and the citizen Doriana Sulaj in the quality of  the Director of Territory Planning in this institution, suspected of criminal offenses of "forging documents..."; "power abuse"; "illegal constructions..."; and "obstructing justice" provided by the Articles 186/2, 199/a/2 of 25 and 143/2 of the Criminal Code.

Also, the court has given the security measure “prison custody” for the citizen Artur Haxhi, building society manager of "Turi&M.ZB" suspected of the criminal offenses of "forging documents", in cooperation and more than once, "illegal construction" and "fraud", provided by the Articles 186/2, 199/a/2 of 25 and 143/2 of the Criminal Code.

The court's decision is implemented at midday on Friday, (dt. 06.02.2015) by the force of the Vlora District Police Department.
Prosecution Office of Vlora has registered the criminal proceedings No.1264 of 2013, according to the charges of a citizen.

Related to the criminal proceeding has resulted, from the whole current investigative actions that, the citizen Shpetim Gjika, as the Mayor of Vlora, in cooperation with the citizen Doriana Sulaj  in the quality of  the Director of Territory Planning in the Municipality of Vlora, have compiled and released forged documents. More specifically, the suspected forged documents are as follows;

1. Decision No. 1, dated 17.01.2011 of the CRT of the Municipality of Vlora, the serial number 19 where it is described that "it is approved the building site and building permit 2-8-1011 floors with the subject builder “Turi&M.ZB” sh.p.k, of 4 family-owned”;

2. Decision No. 1/19, dated 17.01.2011 of the CRT of the Municipality of Vlora for the approval of the place of the building site and its urban conditions, according to Form No. 2, dated 04.10.2013, for the land owned by four families";

3. Building permit No. 1/19, dated 17.01.2011 of the CRT of the Municipality of Vlora, according to Form 4 dated 10.04.2013, in favour of the subject builder “Turi&M.ZB” sh.p.k;

4. The permission No. 18, dated 18.06.2013, of the Mayor of Municipality of Vlora.
From the investigative actions carried out has resulted that at the meeting of the CRT of the Municipality of Vlora, dated 17.01.2011, given to the content of the protocol of the meeting, it does not turn out to be considered any application for a building site or building permit from the owners of the land mentioned above or from the subject builder, and does not appear to be approved the building site and the building permit in favour of the owners of the land and to the building subject above.

The forged documents are used by the administrator and legal representative of the company "Turi&M.ZB" sh.p.k, the citizen Arthur Haxhi, in order to justify the construction of the building and to register the building in the Department of Real Estate Registration in Vlora. It turns out that the construction partly is carried out on public land or on the property of other persons.

Based on these forged documents, it is build an apartment and services building with 11 floors and for the construction of this building is issued the permission and the documentation is sent to register the ownership of the building in the Department of Real Estate Registration in Vlora.

Simultaneously, during the preliminary investigation was repeatedly requested by the Prosecution Office at the Court of First Instance of Vlora to be seized in Municipality of Vlora the protocol of CRT meetings of the Municipality of Vlora, for the meetings held in 2011. The Mayor of Municipality of Vlora and the Director of the Department of Planning in Municipality of Vlora have refused that the protocol of meetings collected repeatedly, to be available to the investigative group headed by the Prosecutor.

So, from the current investigation results reasonable suspicions based on evidences that the citizen Shpetim Gjika in cooperation with the citizen Doriana Sulaj have made the criminal offense of “forging documents”, from the person who is responsible to issue the document, “power abuse”, “illegal construction” and “obstructing justice” provided by the Articles 186/3 of 25, 248 of 25, 199/a/2 of 25 and 301 of the Criminal Code, while the citizen Arthur Haxhii is suspected of the criminal offense of “forging documents” in cooperation and more than once, “illegal construction” and “fraud”, provided by the Articles 186/2, 199/a/2 of 25 and 143/2 of the Criminal Code.

On the request of the Prosecution Office at the of Court of First Instance of Vlora, based on decisions dated 06.02.2015 of Vlora District Court is given for the citizens Shpetim Gjika, Doriana Sulaj and Arthur Haxhi the personal security measures of “prison custody”, provided by the Article 238 of the Criminal Procedure Code.