Press Release


The Prosecution Office at Tirana Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction has registered the criminal proceedings under case no. 1285, of the year 2023 (joined), that pertains to the criminal offense of "Illegal construction", as provided for in article 199/a of the Criminal Code, against the citizens M.T., A.T., F.Z., A.H., D.D., G.M., T.V. and M.D.
As of the current phase of the investigation, it has been proven that the aforementioned citizens have applied to the E-Permit system, through the citizens A.P. and K.B. (they are both architects), and they were granted the respective reconstruction permits.
Upon a basic verification of the coordinates using the 'Google Maps' application, it has been discovered that the coordinates reflected in the reports from the architects A.P. or K.B. show different locations compared to the real ones of the objects identified from the self-declarations at the ASHK (State Cadaster Agency), or even without location not providing coordinates.
As of the collected data, it appears that the objects are built in the forest economy plots 1/a and 2/a, under Tirana Municipality’s jurisdiction.
The citizen G.M., serving as the administrator and exclusive partner of Certi W South Balkans, finalized a lease agreement on April 14, 2021, with the Parks and Recreation Agency. The agreement pertains to a designated area spanning 2000 m2, a part of the forest fund identified as plot 1/a, for which the pertinent acts were compiled, finding that some of the structures composed of iron and concrete, along with the surrounding wall are situated on a surface of the forest fund that has been designated for utilization. 
Architects A.P. and K.B. facilitated the application of misleading data via the E-permit system. Following verifications, a request has been submitted to impose a preventive seizure on the constructed facilities by:
M.T., encompassing an area of 370 m2, as delineated in the violation determination minutes numbered 5271 dated January 12, 2023, of IMT, and self-declared through application number 62 dated February 9, 2023, at ASHK (State Cadaster Agency);
F.Z., encompassing an area of 370 m2, as delineated in the violation determination minutes numbered 5272 dated January 12, 2023, of IMT, and self-declared through application number 63 dated February 9, 2023;
A.T., encompassing an area of 370 m2 as delineated in the violation determination minutes numbered 5270 dated January 12, 2023, of IMT, and self-declared through application number 65 dated February 11, 2023, at the ASHK (State Cadaster Agency)

A.H., encompassing an area of 370 m2, as delineated in the violation determination minutes numbered 5269 dated January 12, 2023, of IMT, and self-declared through application number 72 dated February 15, 2023, at the ASHK (State Cadaster Agency);
D.D., encompassing an area of 360 m2 as delineated in the violation determination minutes numbered 2582 dated January 30, 2023, of the IMT, and self-declared through declaration number 38 dated February 1, 2023, at the ASHK (State Cadaster Agency);
T.V. self-declared through application no. 5714 dated 31.03.2022, at the ASHK (State Cadaster Agency); and
M.D., was not found to have applied for the illegal construction, but he has claimed to have constructed the facility in question based on building permit no. K-10349/2.
Similarly, the Criminal Code outlines specific conditions and criteria in articles 228, 229, 230, and 238 for determining the security measure remand in custody regarding the citizens A.P. and K.B.
There exists a reliable suspicion supported by evidence that architects A.P. and K.B. have committed the criminal offense as provided for in Article 186/3 of the Criminal Code. They have facilitated the submission of forged data through the E-permit.