Press Release

The Korça Prosecutor's Office requests 'Arrest in Prison' for the citizen V.S for the predicate offense of 'Fraud'

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance Korça registered criminal proceedings No. 1037, year 2022 for the predicate offense of 'Fraud' provided by Article 143/3 of the Criminal Code.

On the basis of the investigative material, it turns out that the citizen TH.S. filed a criminal complaint against the citizen V.S, after she had promised him that he would benefit from a grant in euros to build a hotel in Voskopoja in the amount of 3.5 million euros and in return the citizen V.S, took $160,000.

Similarly, a citizen from Pogradec also reported that he gave the citizen V.S, different amounts of money, 9,000 and 28,000 euros, to intermediate at the Agency for Agricultural and Rural Development in order to get a grant of 1.2 million euros to build a hostel.

After several months, the denouncer, who had not received the grant, asked the citizen V.S to take the amount of ALL back to him. But she told him that the grant would go from 2.2 million euros to 4.5 million euros.

The prosecutor, referring to the statements of the persons who have knowledge of the facts under investigation, the documentation with the bank transfers carried out, the communications on the whats'up platform and the notarial actions, assesses that there is reasonable doubt about the existence of the criminal offense of 'Fraud'.

For the above, the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance, Korçë, requested a measure of security 'Arrest in prison' for the citizen V.S, suspected of committing the act of fraud.