Press Release

The Lushnje Prosecutor's Office starts the investigation into the death of the Spanish citizen

The Prosecutor’s Office attached at the Court of First Instance Lushnje has registered criminal proceedings no. 146, of 2023, for the criminal offense "Causing suicide", provided by article 99 of the Criminal Code, without author, related to the death of the Spanish citizen Francisco Javier Carraso Cervilla. This criminal proceeding initiated based on the materials sent by the Divjak Police Station.

The registration of this criminal proceeding was made in order to conduct a complete and comprehensive investigation into the dynamics and causes of the event. This proceeding is in its initial phase, and based on the nature of the case, full investigative actions have been carried out, consisting of the inspection of the scene, the seizure of material evidence and their examination, the necessary expert decisions have been made, the persons who have knowledge about the event have been interrogated.

All the data obtained up to this stage are being analyzed and crossed with each other, in order to determine the cause of the occurrence of the consequence.