Press Release

The Tirana Prosecutor's Office is investigating two criminal proceedings for "Destruction of Property" in Krujë

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction Tirana, triggered by the interest of the media, based on the announcement of the General Directorate of the State Police and following the information given about the conflict that happened in Borizana, let you know that:

The Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of Tirana General Jurisdiction, on the basis of the material referred by the Krujë Police Station, on 18.05.2023, has registered criminal proceedings no. 3223 of 2023, for the criminal offense of "Destruction of property", provided by Article 150 of the Criminal Code. With letter No. 6422, dated 25.05.2023, the file has been delegated to the Krujë Police Station for investigative actions. 

Following the material no. 1466 referred by the Krujë Police Station, the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Tirana, on 19.06.2023, registered criminal proceedings no. 3872 of 2023, for the criminal offense of "Destruction of property", provided by Article 150 of the Criminal Code. The case is still in the phase of preliminary investigations.