Press Release

Tirana Prosecution Office confiscates a hotel and a bar-café belonging to the citizen F.M., convicted for "Trafficking of narcotics"

The prosecution office at Tirana Court of First Instance has confiscated a hotel, bar café and other real estate belonging to the citizen F.M. suspected of trafficking in narcotics and committing the criminal offense as provided for in article 283/a of the Criminal Code. 

On 26.10.2023, the Prosecution Office at Tirana Court of First Instance has registered assets proceedings no. 6 in accordance with the provisions of law no. 10192 dated 03.12.2009 " Preventing and striking at organized crime, corruption and trafficking through preventive measures against assets" (amended by law no. 24/2014, no. 70/2017). 

After a thorough examination of the facts and the administered documentation related to F.M. and his family members’ assets, it has become evident that they maintain an unjustified economically lifestyle, thus raising suspicions that these real estates may have been acquired through his illicit criminal activity.

The citizen F.M. is the subject of an asset investigation in accordance with Law No. 10192 dated 03.12.2009, “Preventing and striking at organized crime, corruption and trafficking through preventive measures against assets"  (amended by Law No. 24/2014 and No. 70/2017), and as provided for in Article 3/1, point (c), as there exists a well-founded suspicion that F.M. has committed the criminal offense of "Production and Sale of Narcotics.". This suspicion stems from F.M.'s conviction on December 28, 2018, by the Court of First Instance for Serious Crimes in Tirana, as he was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison for the criminal offense as provided for in Article 283/a/2 of the Criminal Code.

It is suspected that all real estate belonging to F.M. are acquired due to his involvement in the production and sale of narcotics, for which he also received the relevant conviction. The numerous real estate transactions carried out by F.M., despite doubts about precedent criminal records of the latter, have led to the belief that they have been invested in constructing the properties which belong to F.M. and his family member. 

Confiscated assets

-Property no. 462/16 owned by ex-wife M.P and their children in Dobrosh, Tirana

- Property no. 462/25. Zk. 1498 in Dobrosh, Tirana. Legalized object with Legalization Permit no. 7003955 dated 17.07.2017, in the name of citizen F.M.