Press Release

Tirana Prosecution Office has referred to the court three defendants accusing them for "Theft" of serious consequences and "Refusal for declaration"

The Prosecution Office at Tirana Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction while closing the investigations for the criminal proceedings no. 9220 of 2022 has sent the request for trial against these defendants:

•    R.D, for the criminal offense of "Theft" committed in complicity,  of serious consequences and of  "Theft" committed more than once, provided by articles 134/3-25 and 134/2 of the Criminal Code.
•    H.D, for the criminal offense of "Theft" committed in complicity  of serious consequences, provided by article 134/3-25 of the Criminal Code; and
•     A.K, for the criminal offense of "Refusal for declaration, non-declaration, concealment or false declaration of assets, private interests of elected persons and public employee or of any other person who is legally binding for the declaration", provided by article 257/a/ 2 of the Criminal Code.

By decision dated 06.10.2023, the proceedings were split and it was decided the registration of the property proceeding no. 05, based on the fact that the defendant A.K. was found to have committed acts of the criminal offense provided for by Article 257/a/2 of the Criminal Code. Being subject to Law No. 10192 dated 03.12.2009 "On the prevention and suppression of organized crime, trafficking, corruption and other crimes through measures against wealth", the verification and investigation of this citizen’s assets as well as her family members is ongoing, at the same time, the unjustified assets through legal sources of the subjects involved in this investigation will be seized.