Press Release

Tirana Prosecution Office seeks “Remand in Custody” and 'House Arrest' for four employees of 'Besa' Fund and a notary, as they deceived citizens through loans without their knowledge and embezzled the funds-

Tirana Prosecution Office seeks security measures of 'Remand in Custody’ and 'House Arrest' for five people accused of 'Fraud' and “Falsification of Documents”. 

Together in complicity, they deceived through falsehoods to unlawfully secure loans and misappropriate funds from 11 individuals who subsequently filed criminal complaints.

Citizen L.V. urged the victims of this criminal activity into opening bank accounts in their names, where the funds acquired through bank loans were deposited. Moreover, through deception and manipulation of trust, Citizen L.V. obtained copies of the victims' identification documents and, without their consent, orchestrated the preparation of loan applications and contracts at the financial institution 'Besa Fund' sh.a. This enabled the approval of loans, the transfer of funds into the victims' bank accounts, subsequent withdrawals, and ultimately, the misappropriation of said funds.

L.V. urged the victims of this criminal activity to open bank accounts in their names, directing the acquired loan funds into these accounts. Furthermore, employing deceit and exploiting the citizen’s trust, L.V. illicitly got copies of the victims' identification document, and without their consent, has prepared the loan applications and contracts at the financial institution 'Besa Fund' (JSC), thus facilitating loan approvals, transfer of funds into the victims' bank accounts, withdrawals, and ultimately, the misappropriation of said funds.

Regarding these deeds, L.V. cooperated with E. A. and L. P., both former employees of the 'Besa Fund' (JSC), who held positions of loan officers responsible for dealing with the affected individuals. Additionally, there was cooperation with citizen L. N., in charge of 'Besa Fund' relevant office, where the aforesaid employees worked.

The affected individuals never once visited the offices of 'Besa Fund' (JSC), nor did they sign any documents for loan acquisition or notarized contracts. They were entirely unaware of any loans taken out in their names. The employees of 'Besa Fund' (JSC) were fully cognizant of this fact, yet they proceeded to complete applicants' files with documents containing falsified information.

As per above, there is ample evidence implicating citizens L.V., L.N., E.A., and L.P., to have committed in complicity and with serious consequences the criminal offense of "Fraud", as stipulated in articles 143/3 and 25 of the Criminal Code.

Likewise, substantial evidence indicates that citizen M.D., functioning as a Notary, committed the criminal offense of 'Falsification of documents' in eleven cases, as stipulated in article 186/3 of the Criminal Code.

Finally, Tirana Prosecution Office demands the following:

-The imposition of "Remand in Custody" against the suspect L.V., as provided for in article 238 of the Criminal Procedure Code;
-The imposition of "House Arrest" against the suspects L.N., E.A., L.P., and M.D., as provided for in article 237 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
-The imposition of the additional precautionary measure of "Suspension from carrying out a public duty or service", against the suspect M.D. as provided for in  Article 242 of the Criminal Procedure Code.