Press Release

Tirana Prosecution Office seeks seizure of D.Ll.'s accounts for suspected money laundering involving €200,000 from 17 transfers

Tirana Prosecution Office sought the seizure of D.Ll.’s bank accounts under the criminal offense of "Laundering the proceeds of criminal activity," as provided for in Article 287 of the Criminal Code.

There was an information from the Directorate for the Investigation of Economic and Financial Crimes, within the Department of Criminal Police of the State Police General Directorate that citizen D.Ll. has received 17 transfers totaling 159,983 GBP from various individuals during the period January 2021-April 2024.

One of the individuals involved in the bank transfers is identified as a foreign national, and is declared as the friend of D.Ll.'s son. D.Ll. himself is suspected to have been investigated in England in 2022 for allegedly coercing third parties in money laundering activities.

Tirana Prosecution Office, based on the aforementioned information, has initiated criminal case no. 3308 concering the offense as envisaged in Article 287 of the criminal  Code. At the same time, because of  the imminent risk of the suspected criminal proceeds being transferred or concealed, the seizure of bank accounts is to be conducted.