Press Release

 Tirana Prosecution Office disclosed the scheme of entry into EU countries for persons with travel ban from member states. Security measures for nine employees of Rinas Airport are sought

Tirana Prosecution Office sought security measures against nine persons for the offenses of "Abuse of office" and "Passive corruption by persons that exercise public functions," committed in complicity, as stipulated in articles 248, 259, and 25 of the Criminal Code.

Within criminal proceedings no.1196/2024 and through specialized investigative techniques in close cooperation with the Police Oversight Agency, Tirana Regional Directorate it was proven that the nine persons collaborated with one another to facilitate the journey of citizens banned from entering European Union countries through Rinas Airport. 

Following the investigative procedures, E.S. was arrested for the criminal offence of "Production and trafficking of narcotics," as stipulated in Article 283/2 of the Criminal Code. Subsequent to the seizure of his phones, the Prosecution succeeded in revealing the entire scheme.
From the conversations they had and the verifications in the TIMS system, it was revealed that E.S. was in contact with B.T., holding the position of the assistant specialist/controller in Rinas Airport Border Police Station. E.S. is the owner of the Travel Agency, "Bus Albania" operating, among other things, as a "ticket sales agency."

E.S., aiming to have monetary benefits, along with the airplane ticket fare, has consistently communicated with the police officer B.T., sharing data of individuals who bought tickets from his agency, for preliminary checks on the TIMS system so as to confirm if they met the criteria for traveling to EU countries, as per legal regulations, while informing him about any issues they faced on a case-by-case basis.
Once these persons were preliminarily screened by him or his social contacts/police employees, instructions were issued regarding the counter where they should appear for data processing and monetary transactions in exchange of travel approval, as well as the way of their submission. In cases classified as INAD or as deported from EU countries, the police officer B.T. offered tailored travel guidance, specifying non-EU airports as initial destinations, followed by transit flights towards EU countries, based on the specific circumstances of each case. 
Monetary values were set based on the specific problems concerning passage clearance, ranging from 50 euros (for individuals falsely claiming issues) to 500 euros or more for those banned from traveling to EU member states. Consequently, a request was submitted to Tirana District Court for the imposition of the security measures, and the following was approved:

- Security measure "Remand in Custody” as per article 238 of the Criminal Procedure Code against B.T., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offenses of "Passive corruption by persons that exercise public functions " and "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 259 and 248 of the Criminal Code; 

- Security measure "Remand in Custody” as per article 238 of the Criminal Procedure Code, against E.S., for the criminal offense of "Active Corruption of persons that exercise public functions," as stipulated by article 244 of the Penal Code. 

-Security measure "House arrest” as per article 237 of the Criminal Procedure Code against S.X., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;

-Security measure "House arrest” as per article 237 of the Criminal Procedure Code against E.M., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;

-Security measure "House arrest” as per article 237 of the Criminal Procedure Code against A.D., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;

-Security measure "Duty to appear before the judicial police” as per article 234 of the Criminal Procedure Code against Y.P., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;

- Security measure "Duty to appear before the judicial police” as per article 234 of the Criminal Procedure Code against R.SH., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;

- Security measure "Duty to appear before the judicial police” as per article 234 of the Criminal Procedure Code against E.A., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;

- Security measure "Duty to appear before the judicial police” as per article 234 of the Criminal Procedure Code against A.H., assistant specialist, controller, at border section, in Rinas Airport Border Police Station, for the criminal offense of "Abuse of office" as stipulated in articles 248 of the Criminal Code;