Press Release

Meeting of Llalla - Zaganjori for the unifying decisions of the Supreme Court

The General Prosecutor, Mr. Adriatik Lllalla and the President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori, discuss with the prosecutors concerning the increasing cooperation on standardization of judicial and criminal investigation practice

The president of the Supreme Court, Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori, supports the idea of the General Prosecutor, Mr. Adriatik Llalla, regarding the legal intervention, in which to be provided the initiative of the prosecution to set in motion the United Colleges on taking unifying decisions in criminal matters.
This idea, which at the beginning was articul

ted by Mr. Llalla on 02.02.2015, on the promoting of the publication of “Summary of the unifying decisions in the years 2000-2014”, is considered by Mr. Zaganjori as an important element for the cooperation between institutions, in order to consolidate the judicial practice and to eliminate the different standards on similar issues.

The common discussions between Mr. Llalla and Mr. Zaganjori on this topic were led on Monday (dt.23.02.2015), during the promoting of Unifying Decisions in front of the prosecutors of the General Prosecution Office. 

Mr. Llalla appreciated the summary of the unifying decisions as “one of the most serious publications in the field of Albanian jurisprudence in recent years and a very important in the work of lawyers, prosecutors and judges”.

On his part, during the meeting, Mr. Zaganjori said that, “I invite experienced prosecutors to contribute for the strengthening of the role of unifying decisions, as well as to harmonize the Albanian judicial and investigation practices with European contemporary standards”. 

Date 23.02.2015