Press Release

Prosecution Office of Shkodra District, new building, new concept of investigation

The General Prosecutor, Mr. Adriatik Llalla, inaugurates the new building of the Prosecution Office of the Shkoder Judicial District and sets the priorities of this unit in the investigation: the fight against economic crime, followed by serious crimes and blood feud

The General Prosecution, Mr. Adriatik Llalla, accompanied by the President of the High Court, Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori and UK Ambassador in Albania, Mr. Nicholas Cannon Obe who were part of the ceremony of inauguration of the new building of the Prosecution Office of the Shkoder Judicial District, one of the best infrastructural facilities of the institution, built with funds of state budget.

Mr. Llalla, in his remarks at the meeting, said that "this building is not just a new building, but it is a new conception of the investigation process and now the prosecution of Shkoder have all the technical and technological possibilities for a qualitative and faster investigation".

Focusing on criminal issues in the District of Shkoder, Mr. Llalla asked the prosecutors to deepen the investigation of the economic clashes, which then generate conflicts with serious consequences for life.
Also, the General Prosecutor praised the commitment of the board of prosecutors and judicial police officers of Shkoder, who were hired to create a clear picture of the blood feud in that area.

According to Mr. Llalla, "turns out that the number of trapped people is much smaller than what is stated many times in public. According to the detailed report of the Prosecution Office of Shkoder, which was submitted to the General Prosecution Office, results that it has been received a direct contact with over 200 families throughout the district, which have been involved in conflicts resulting in murder since 1990. Based on direct contact, there are found only 25 isolated families with 30 people in tota ".

Hereinafter is the full speech of the General Prosecutor, Mr. Adriatik Llalla in this activity:

Dear Colleagues,
Initially, also on your behalf, I express my gratitude, for his presence at the event, to the President of the High Court, Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori, Ambassador of the United Kingdom Mr. Nicholas Cannon, which is not coincidentally present here today. His relation with the city of Shkoder is very special.

Also I thank the representatives of local government and other state structures of Shkoder District.
As you see, this meeting is taking place at the new building of the Prosecution Office, which is funded by the state budget financing in a very short time, within the calendar year 2014. In fact, it is not only the establishment of a new building, but of a new concept that is followed in a daily work. New environments create all the opportunities for prosecutors to conduct their activities with higher efficiency.

On the other hand, the citizens were provided with all the facilities to get information, to listen and to discuss all their problems.
In the investigation framework, in this new building, are created all the technical possibilities to ensure a comprehensive, fast and accurate investigation. This investment in the Prosecution Office of Shkoder, first of all is an important contribution to the investigation of the criminal offenses that occur in your territory, following the priority of investigating the offenses against life, crime and corruption, in order that the investigation continues to be increasingly even stronger.

Regarding the investigative activity of the Prosecution Office of Shkoder in 2014, first of all I express my appreciation for your commitment in general. From the analysis followed by the leaders of the Prosecution Office is concluded that, as in any other Prosecution Office, there was a substantial increase of the workload.
There have been several investigations by this Prosecution Office, which has taken the attention of the public opinion.

But in the meantime, it is clear that Shkoder, because of its resources, has been and continues to be the area where major economic interests collide, as well as criminal one. For this reason, I ask to deepen the investigation in the field of economic crime, which have brought and continue to bring strong collision with serious criminal consequences. Investigations in this direction are the priority of the Prosecution Office of Shkoder and will be the main request of the General Prosecutor on your activity in the upcoming period.

To increase the efficiency of investigations, we reiterate the close cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, particularly with the State Police, State Information Service, Taxes, and Customs, etc.
In addition, I want to focus on another issue. During 2014, among other things, you have developed a specific activity concerning the identification of blood feuds and isolation issues in this area. Prosecutors and judicial police officers of the Prosecution Office of Shkoder have direct contact with the families involved in this phenomenon archaic in Shkoder. Owing to your commitment, for the first time we have a clear picture of the number of people trapped by the fear of blood feud.

And, from this picture, turns out that the number of trapped people is much smaller than what is stated many times in public. According to the detailed report of the Prosecution Office of Shkoder, which was submitted to the General Prosecution Office, results that it has been received a direct contact with over 200 families throughout the district, which have been involved in conflicts resulting in murder since 1990. Based on direct contact, there are found only 25 isolated families with 30 people in total.

This report, which can be considered as one of the most serious one, prepared by the state institutions for the phenomenon of the blood feud, has also served as basis for a closer cooperation with foreign authorities, in order to fight the cases of Albanian "false asylum-seekers" in Western Europe.

However, it is very important to investigate all the criminal cases resulting in death. Not just for the fact that these conflicts can be followed by isolation, but first of all to make all the possible efforts to provide the essential human right - life.
Dear Colleagues,

At the end of my speech I want to encourage you to be more active in the investigation. We all are prosecutors and have taken over our willingness to do our duty. Despite the high volume of work we should not let this affect the quality of investigation and decision at the end of the process.

Citizens expect from us full and comprehensive investigations of the criminal acts and we must do everything to fulfil their expectations.
Thank you for your attention!