Press Release

Prosecution Office sent to trial the group of "recruiters for conflicts in the Middle East"

The Prosecution Office for Serious Crimes completed its investigation and sent for trial nine people accused on recruitment of persons for committing acts with terrorist purposes or financing of terrorism”; “Incitement, public call and propaganda for committing crimes with terrorist purposes”

The Prosecution Office for Serious Crimes, in Tirana, has completed the investigation and sent to trial the request of 9 persons accused of criminal offenses “Recruitment of persons for committing acts with terrorist purposes or financing of terrorism”; “Incitement, public call and propaganda for committing crimes with terrorist purposes”; and ‘Inciting national, racial or religious hatred or conflict’, provided by the Articles 231, 232/a and 265 of the Criminal Code.

These persons were arrested in March 2014 following an investigation led by the Prosecution Office for Serious Crimes, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies in Albania.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the Prosecution Office has established the conviction based on evidence that the defendants, in cooperation with each other, have committed to take active steps to dispatch a considerable number of Albanian citizens to be involved in armed conflicts in the Middle East together with the groups on the list of terrorist of the United Nations.

During the investigation, the Prosecution Office for Serious Crimes has reached to reveal the scheme how this group worked and the roles of each of them, starting from the organizers, sponsors and other collaborators.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the Prosecution Office for Serious Crimes has filed the charges for the citizens as follows:

1.Genci Balla,
2.Gert Pashja,
3.Bujar Hysa,
4.Orion Reçi,
5.Verdi Morava
6.Zeqir Imeri,
7.Astrit Tola,
8.Edmond Balla,
9. Fadil Muslimani

The Prosecution Office has raised for two of the defendants, namely the citizens Bujar Hysa and Zeqir Imeri, the accusations of “Illegal manufacturing and keeping military weapons and ammunition”, provided by the Article 278/2 of the Criminal Code.