The General Prosecutor is the Head of the General Prosecution and is responsible for the work of both General Prosecution Office and the Prosecution Offices attached to the Courts of General Jurisdiction of First Level and Appeal.
The General Prosecutor is elected by the three-fifths of the members of the Assembly among the three candidates proposed by the High Prosecutorial Council, for a 7-year mandate without the right of reappointment.
The General Prosecutor is appointed pursuant to Article 148 / a, of the Constitution.
The General Prosecutor represents the prosecution of criminal cases in the High Court as well as in the Constitutional Court, unless the representation is made by the Special Prosecution. The General Prosecutor issues general instructions to both prosecutors of the General Jurisdiction Prosecution Offices and Judicial Police Officers and supervises their implementation. He reports to the Assembly on the state of criminality in the country; requires the High Inspector of Justice to conduct thematic inspections or investigations for individual violations; administers the interception system and exercises other competences according to article 38 of  Law No.97/2016 On the organization and functioning of the prosecution in the Republic of Albania.


The Prosecution is organized and operates within the judicial system. The Prosecution consists of:

a) General Prosecution Office;
b) Special Prosecution Office, according to the special law;
c) Prosecution offices at the courts of appeal of general jurisdiction;
ç) Prosecution offices at the courts of first level of general jurisdiction. 


Management and representation of the prosecution office is performed, respectively, by: 

a) Prosecutor General;
b) Head of the Special Prosecution Office;
c) Heads of the prosecution offices at the courts of appeal of general jurisdiction;
ç) Heads of the prosecution offices at the first level courts of general jurisdiction. 

The General Prosecution has jurisdiction over the whole territory of the Republic of Albania and its headquarters is in Tirana.
The General Prosecution exercises criminal prosecution and represents it in the court on behalf of the state. 
The Prosecution operates within the judicial system based on the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, and the Organic Law no.97/2016 “On organization and functioning of the prosecution office in the Republic of Albania”.

The Prosecution is an independent body that guarantees the progress and the monitoring of its actions and respects the inner independence of the prosecutors for the investigation and prosecution according to law.
In exercising their duties the prosecutors are subject to the Constitution, international agreements ratified by the Republic of Albania and other laws in force.
The prosecutors exercise their competences by respecting both the principles of fair, equal and legal proceedings, and the principles of the protection of human rights and basic freedoms as well as the public interest.